Monday, July 7, 2014

Tips for Safe Travel with Pets

Before you head out on a summer road trip with your dog, or other pets you may have, remember these travel dos and don'ts:
  • Put small pet carriers on the floor between the front and rear seats, only secure with a seat belt if they were designed for use with seat belts.
  • Don't put a pet carrier on the front passenger seat; airbags could crush it during an accident.
  • Don't leave a pet in a parked vehicle in the heat, even with windows cracked; heat stroke can be deadly and can happen in minutes.
  • Microchip your pet and have a tag with your information, including cellphone number, on all collars.
  • Carry vaccination/health records in case of an emergency.
  • Have a pet first-aid kit.
  • Bring an in-car litter box for cats on long road trips.
  • Locate a veterinarian near your destination(s).

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